Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How long does a person with a hip replacement require taking an antibiotic before seeing a dentist?

Eleven years ago, I had a total hip replacement. I need to take 2,000 mg of Amoxicillin an hour before receiving dental treatment. How long is pre-medication required?How long does a person with a hip replacement require taking an antibiotic before seeing a dentist?Was this because of the hip replacement? I've never heard of that. I know that people with heart issues have to take A/B's before dental treatment, all their lives. Might be an idea to ask your doc about this.

NB I just googled it, and yes you do....seems that it stops any germs being released from an infected tooth, and then going into the replaced joint. Once they are there, the body cannot fight them and they can play havoc with the joint. Look s like you'll have to go with the A/B's .How long does a person with a hip replacement require taking an antibiotic before seeing a dentist?Sometimes the dentist gives the antibiotic at the time he does the dental work. I don't think there is a waiting period. There would be nothing for the antibiotic to do prior to the dental work.How long does a person with a hip replacement require taking an antibiotic before seeing a dentist?It will always be required. They have you take one an hour before dental treatment just to help extend the life of the hip replacement incase you were to get an infection caused from the dental treatment.How long does a person with a hip replacement require taking an antibiotic before seeing a dentist?I think we are supposed to take that stuff forever. I was just looking today at the card my hip replacement doctor gave me. It's the one that tells airport people that I have a something-or-other that will set off their machines, etc. Anyway, it also said that for any kind of dental work, even cleaning the teeth, we must take a certain amount of medication like Amoxicillin. But since your replacement was indeed 11 years ago, maybe you don't need it -- probably would be best to question your hip replacement doctor. Good luck!