Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How should maintenance, repair and replacement of America's infrastructure be paid for?

America's roads, bridges, water mains, tunnels, electrical grid, etc. are falling apart. Much if it is in need of repair or replacement - not to mention new construction!

How should this bill, an estimated $2.2 trillion (2008), be paid?How should maintenance, repair and replacement of America's infrastructure be paid for?By the user, AKA, taxpayer. You can farm it out to private industry, but they will just collect it in fees, which is taxes to private industry. So, do you raise taxes to pay for infrastructure, or do you transfer taxes from that massive tax sink hole called the military, or do you just let it collapse into ruin and take the economy further down the collapsed drain.How should maintenance, repair and replacement of America's infrastructure be paid for?Road, bridges, tunnels and related vehicular infrastructure should be paid through fuel taxes on the fuels used for those vehicles. The infrastructure that is federal built, such as the Interstate system, should be a federal fuel tax. Others should be a state fuel tax.

For electrical grid and water distribution, it should be fee paid through the state utility rate system.

General revenue funds should not be used.How should maintenance, repair and replacement of America's infrastructure be paid for?By government officials. They're the ones who are making all the money.