Friday, June 3, 2011

How hard is it to get a replacement US passport in another country if you lose yours?

My step-brother went with his church group to argentina and the genius adults on the trip apparently never thought to collect the passports from the teens. Now just him and a chaperone are still in Argentina. How hard will it be and how long will it take for the embassy to get him home?How hard is it to get a replacement US passport in another country if you lose yours?Tell you step brother to go the US Embassy and report about the lost passport.Here's the requirement how replace a lost/stolen passport according to the website of the US Embassy in Argentina:

%26quot;Lost or Stolen Passports

If your passport has been lost or stolen present yourself at the Embassy, Colombia Ave, 4300 between Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00. You will need to bring the following

*Photo identification (driver's license, etc.).

*Proof of citizenship (copy of your passport, US birth certificate or Naturalization Certificate).

*Police report of the loss or theft.

*Fee: U$ 100

FEES: Payable in Cash in U$ dollars, or the equivalent in Arg. pesos, and international credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express and Diners)

?U$ 75 Adult passport renewal/second passport/passport by mail (Form DS-82)

?U$ 85 Minor passport renewal (15 years old or younger) (Form DS-11)

?U$ 100 Adult (16 years old or older) first time passport/replacing a lost-stolen-mutilated-damaged passport (DS-11)%26quot;

For their contact information: hard is it to get a replacement US passport in another country if you lose yours?When our passports were pick pocketed when we were in London the Embassy got us home on our flight, with a special paper. It wasn't our passport. We had to get those replaced later. However, that was before the last few years and it might be different now that passport rules are so anal.How hard is it to get a replacement US passport in another country if you lose yours?The consulate will arrange travel papers get them home