Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do I get a replacement Birth Certificate - I was born in Japan on an airforce base to American Citizens?

I've looked at several places to see how to this is done and its still not clear to me if I had an actual birth certificate (I thought I did) or something else like the consulate notification (forgot the actual name of the form). Does anyone know exactly where I go to request a replacement (lost mine in a move I think). What do I provide in way of proof? I have an expired passport which might help?


KenHow do I get a replacement Birth Certificate - I was born in Japan on an airforce base to American Citizens?YOU need to be deported back to Japan!How do I get a replacement Birth Certificate - I was born in Japan on an airforce base to American Citizens?Those births are registered with the US Embassy or Consular. Go to the Dept of State web site. I am short on time at the moment to look it up. They have them at State.How do I get a replacement Birth Certificate - I was born in Japan on an airforce base to American Citizens?Send a letter to the address below with a check or money order made out to %26quot;U.S. State Department%26quot;. Include in the letter the names of the birth parents, the date of birth and place of birth:

Vital Records Section

Passport Services

1111 19th Street NW

Suite 510

Washington, DC 20522-1705

Your birth was registered by the military hospital with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.