I've just been informed by the garage I took my car to (ford focus '02) that replacing the fuel pump would cost around $600, the gasket replacement would cost another $600-$800.. is this the usual price for these two services?
Should I take the car to an individual mechanic instead of a car repair shop?
Please help,,How much *should* a ford focus fuel pump and gasket replacement cost?2002 Ford Focus ? Is the entire car worth $1400 ?? Did you take it to the dealership ? If so maybe the salesman is paying the service coordinator to steer %26quot;victims%26quot; to him. I can't imagine that price unless the fuel pump is inside the fuel tank and they have to remove the tank to get to it.... even at that, I've taken down tanks and replaced submerged pumps and it isn't worth $1400. For $1400 they should throw in a complimentary hemorrhoid surgery.How much *should* a ford focus fuel pump and gasket replacement cost?$600 is about right for a water pump replacement and labor (hopefully a timing belt too if they are going to tear it apart that far anyway), and gasket.
It is a little expensive, but it's because there is a lot of time involved taking off all of the accesories - alternator, power steering pump, A/C compressor, etc., then the bracket that holds all that crap on, then the timing belt cover, and finally swapping out the water pump (and like I said - ABSOLUTELY CHANGE THE TIMING BELT TOO - if it breaks, or allows the engine to jump time, it can DESTROY THE ENGINE).
Then they get to put it all back together again.
You can probably find someone to do it for less, but keep in mind that cheaper isn't always better.