Monday, September 19, 2011

How to insure best battery life for replacement iPod battery?

My iPod mini battery is dead, I am lucky if I get 20 minutes of play time. I just bought a replacement and will be installing it shortly. What I am wondering is what I should do to insure I get the best battery over the life of the new one. I have heard to let it drain all the way the first time then charge it, I have also heard to charge it before using it for the first time. Help me out, what should I do?

Thanks...10pts to the best answerHow to insure best battery life for replacement iPod battery?Your question is an easy one to answer. There are batteries now out for the minis that are 800mAh that hold longer charges than the Apple original batteries your mini came with. Those batteries also have a longer life span and should definitely last longer than 5 years-they come with a lifetime warranty.

To maximize the life of your batteries for your iPod, Apple has provided these instructions and information to maximize battery performance and life. I have provided you that link below-you can go to school with all that information.How to insure best battery life for replacement iPod battery?Before using it, u have to charge it for lets say 10 hours. That will maximize the battery. When using the ipod the ipod has a little device that monitors how much energy is left in ur battery, but if u keep using the battery to half and then charging, the device will think that half point is all the battery u have left, so the device will say red when u have only hit half the battery energy but the rest of the red is actually half of ur battery life. I got this advice from a apple professional, that i got to talk with and that's what he told me. Use it all the way down around 1 ~ 3 times a month and then charge how ever u want