Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How long does it take to recoup from a total knee replacement?

I am 60 and just had my right knee replaced the 20th it is still so sore and the staples are still in for another week, also I had a general and find that I am so tired yet, is this normal and if so how long can I expect this to continueHow long does it take to recoup from a total knee replacement?It is not uncommon to have months of swelling and discomfort following a total knee replacement. There are tools that can aid in your recovery such as a continuous passive motion machine which helps improve knee flexion and reduces the chance of scar tissue from developing inside the knee in the beginning days and weeks after surgery. Check with your surgeon on the merrits of such a device, as well as, your actual need for one. Your range of motion may be progressing nicely and therfore you might not benefit from one. Cold therapy - can't say enough about it. They help a lot but many insurance companies do not cover them which means they might be an out of pocket expense. You might consider this source after you have consulted with your physician: long does it take to recoup from a total knee replacement?I shore hope you get some good answer,s i,m going to go next week and have one done.good luck .How long does it take to recoup from a total knee replacement?it depends on age , weight .how much of a comitment your willing to put into therapy.I know your 60, but are you over wieght, are you active for a 60 year old ? on the avg. i think it will take a year.