Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?

right along side Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins? Donkey in elephants clothing? How long do you think it will take before he switches parties?Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?Hey - he's better than a Kennedy!

Republicans have to face facts that they'll never get a %26quot;real%26quot; candidate in the Northeast. Just live with it.Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?Not any time soon. It would be a pure decision to identify with a group that's as hated as Democrats are right now.Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?He is a moderate, no way could a far right winger take Mass. So we expected him to go to the middle but he sure pisses off the democrats because they can not prevent a filibuster, and that is good enough for me.Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?

Um, I don't think Brown is the %26quot;gift%26quot; to Democrats that you think he is. Neither are Snowe or Collins.

%26quot;House and Senate negotiators were forced to reconvene Tuesday to remove a $19 billion tax on large banks and hedge funds, hoping to overcome objections from Sens. Scott Brown, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.%26quot;Is Scott Brown the Arlen Spector replacement? The gift that keeps giving to the democrats?Never expect anything else from the socialist utopia of New England.