Friday, June 3, 2011

How expensive is canine hip replacement?

I was hoping there is someone(s) out there who has had hip replacement surgery on their dog recently. We just found out that our 7 month old Golden has hip dysplasia in both hips, so we are considering surgery. We still have to take her in to see a specialist to get all of our options, but I was curious on what other's have paid (for everything including office visits and meds). Also is the recovery long and difficult? Thank you!How expensive is canine hip replacement?My boss had a Golden with 2 bad hips. He got her the surgery only (remodeled the joint, I guess) and I think it was $10,000 for the 2 hips! Joints would be extra$$$.How expensive is canine hip replacement?My dog had a hip replacement 6 years ago and all told (diagnosis, surgury, meds, etc.) it was about $3,000.00 (for one hip). The recovery/aftercare is very important. Keep them in a caged area (large enough to stand in and turn around, but not jump or climb).

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?They need to stay pretty much caged for several weeks except for carefully controlled potty breaks (on leash and wearing a 'sling' initially). Recovery time is about 8 weeks, the first 3-4 weeks being the most critical.

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?We also learned about the need when our dog (a female lab) was about 7 months old. We were advised to wait 'til she was a year old before doing the surgery because she still had growing to do. She was tender and a bit limpy but not totally lame so we were able to wait 'til she was a year old.

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?The surgery was SO worth it! She is the sweetest angel ever and she has taught us so much about love and patience. Be sure to check out the surgeon in advance. We checked out a couple of highly recommended options and . . .

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?. . . chose to travel a longer distance to go to a vet teaching hospital with an excellent surgeon. Unfortunately she has just gone lame again (yesterday), on the opposite side. I have an appointment with the same surgeon who did the other hip 6 years ago tomorrow . . .

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?. . .and I only hope the options/ solution turn out as well this time. The recovery care did take effort and was a little stressful and I had really hoped it would not be necessary again, but . . .

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How expensive is canine hip replacement?. . . if the surgeon tells me tomorrow that another hip replacement will solve the problem, I will not hesitate for a single moment! Good luck!

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